—Robin Smith, Realtor, Summerside, PEI
“I hit the jackpot!”
“Before I worked with Erin, I felt that I was lost with regards to my family life and career path. I had felt for many years that there was something that was stopping me from being completely happy.
I was feeling that I was not successful in my career and needed a change and I became separated from my husband of 22 years and 4 children later. When I discovered Erin through LinkedIn, I hit the jackpot! My 8 weeks with Erin couldn’t have come at a better time in my life.
Erin had put me in some awkward conversations but it worked. Erin helped me to see me for the person I was and helped me find myself again. When I began with Erin, I also started counseling with someone and started going back to church. These 3 resources have gotten my life back on track and I am finally happy for the right reasons. I learned from Erin that you have to face your fears and not be scared to make mistakes.
I had been living my life for everyone else but myself for 25 years. It was time to live my life for me! Now, I’m walking in my own shoes again. Not somebody else’s. My friends are so happy to see me this happy! And it’s a real happy. Before, it was like I was faking being happy, like I was trying so hard. Now I just feel it, and I can make myself happy. I know that now and I don’t need anyone else to do that for me. It’s huge!
My mom asked me the other day, ‘Are you feeling at peace?’ And I was like, ‘Yes!’ I’m at finally at peace and I feel calm, but I’m excited too. I’m not stressing out about work anymore and I’m spending more time at home. I’m so much more relaxed around my kids. I would recommend Erin if you are looking for a life coach regardless where you live! She was great!
Thank you, Erin!”