5 Questions To Decide With Confidence If You Need One

Do you have enough time?

Or do you feel like you could work for a week and still have things to do? You are exhausted at the end of the day but wonder what you accomplished. You know you were busy, but it still feels like you didn’t get anything done.

Do you know exactly what to work on when you start your day?

Or do you feel pulled in multiple directions? Or worse, do you feel aimless or unsure of what to do first? Your to-do list may be so long that it feels overwhelming and so you stop. Or you scroll through social media.

Do you know which priorities to focus on, and do you make steady progress on them?

Or, are you caught in managing only the most pressing and urgent–the stuff that needs to happen now? Only there’s so much of it that you can never get to the really important work you know you need to do.

Are you clear about your life and business vision, mission and values?

Or is it foggy? And when you’re talking about your business, it takes a while to describe it and you often notice confused expressions or that eye-glazed-over look.

Do you reach your financial goals?

Or do you fall short? You have some good months but they’re not consistent. Do you notice that you procrastinate when you should be working on the things that will bring in business?

Your Answer

If you answered Yes to the main questions, you should be good to go. You seem to have a solid grasp on what to work on, when, and you prioritize in a way that helps you reach your financial goals. Congrats! That’s awesome! Keep doing what you’re doing!

If you answered No to the main questions (or yes, but one of the bullet points applies to you), you could benefit from working with a life and business coach.