—Sandra Sterling-Weicker, Career Coach, www.sandrasterlingweicker.com, Victoria, BC, Canada
“I had my mind completely blown.”
“When I was about to work with Erin during a one-to-one VIP day, I have to admit that I was nervous. I was working really hard on my business but I wasn’t seeing the results I expected based on the effort I’d put in. I was starting to feel like I was burning out. Would I really end up with anything of value at the end of the day? I am thrilled to share that yes, I did!
We weren’t even half-way through the day when I had my mind completely blown. I had no idea that an area of my life that I thought I had already dealt with was still there. And it was impacting my business! That was only one of the insights that I had while working with Erin.
At the beginning, I really wanted a plan. I wanted to know exactly what to do on each day of the week. I got a plan, but it was nothing like the one I thought I wanted. The one I have and that I am now executing on is so simple! It’s empowering and inspiring and I get chills when I see it. And I couldn’t have created this without Erin. She is observant and a great listener. Many times, she reflected back things I had said that I hadn’t noticed but were patterns that have been holding me back. I am so grateful. If you are looking for a powerful coach, call Erin. I highly recommend her!”